BES new Zoom Link for 10/06/20 Special Board Meeting
Topic: Eric Bragg's Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 6, 2020 05:15 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 763 884 9286
Passcode: eagles
BES Bulletin 10.05.20
Butteville Elementary School
Topic: Butteville Special Board Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 6, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 797 3990 8416
Passcode: 7n8Q0d
BES Bulletin 8.23.20
COVID-19 Exposure Letter
BES Bulletin 9.16.20.
Sorry everyone, let's try this again!
BES Bulletin 9.16.20
BES Bulletin
BES Bulletin 9.2.20
Butteville September Menus:
Butteville Families, Here are the instructions to connect your new ALMA account to ALMA Start. Here you will find all of the electronic forms that need to be filled out. These forms replace the first day packet that you used to receive. Please email Randi at for questions Monday-Friday 8:00-11:15am
BES Bulletin 8.27.20
Butteville Curbside Meals -
We will be providing curbside meal pickup for anyone that wants a meal. Please contact Colton Cheffey at or call the kitchen at (530) 938-9753 if you want to come to the school and pickup a hot meal and breakfast. There will be three pickup times for hot school lunches. The times are 10:40-11am, 11:10-11:30am, and 11:40am-12pm. When you pick up your lunch, we will provide you with breakfast for the next morning. Monday’s breakfast will be served when you pick up your Friday meal.
Welcome Back Butteville Families! Just a friendly reminder that all adults and children are required to wear masks and adhere to six feet of social distancing during pickups this week. There are masks at school if you need them. Also, please see the attached lunch and breakfast menus for August.
Butteville Bulletin 8.20.20
Butteville Families please check your emails. Yesterday you should have received an email with a link to sign up genius. The teachers would like you to pick a time slot to meet with them and pick up your students materials next week. If you did not receive the link please email your teacher, so they can assign you a slot.
Butteville School Reopening Letter
***Urgent Message*** Any families attending the board meeting please sit tight. The board is working on getting a new link up and running to report out after closed session. Sorry for the technical difficulties.
The Board Meeting on 8/11/2020 is at 5:30 p.m.
Here is the link to our monthly board meeting on 8/11/2020. We are still unable to send texts, but an email was to all addresses that we currently have on file.
Eric Bragg is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 742 4203 7073
Passcode: 1Rkj6L