Dear Butteville Families, Please see the attached document regarding the reopening plan for Butteville. Please be patient with us, as we have been experiencing technical difficulties during our student information system migration. Once all files have been integrated, we will be able to notify you via text message again.
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
Special Board Meeting Friday 7/24/20 at 12pm Butteville Gym Physical distancing and mask protocol mandatory. Or join us Meeting ID: 797 6848 7210 Passcode: 9t63uN
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
BES Bulletin 7.14.20
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
BES Bulletin 6.26.20
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
Butteville Update 6.16.20
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
Butteville - Parent Surevey Please respond to the following survey to help us plan for our return to school in the fall. We value your input regarding reopening school, but please understand that the safety of our students and staff comes first and the school must follow state and county guidelines. Your responses will be anonymous
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
Butteville Bulletin 6.4.20
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
Bes Bulletin 5.29.20
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
BES Bulletin 5.20.20
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
BES Bulletin 5.14.20
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
BES Bulletin 5.14.20
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
BES Bulletin
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
BES Bulletin 4.22.20
over 4 years ago, Randi Scott
Butteville Families please see the attached letter from our School Psychologist.
almost 5 years ago, Randi Scott
The Butteville Parade will start at Hoy Park tomorrow at 3:45 and follow our morning route with a few changes. Please see attachment. Look for lights and sirens! We will continue to Carrick, Boles and end at Dakota no later than 5pm. Come out and say Hi!
almost 5 years ago, Randi Scott BES Bulletin 4.12.20
almost 5 years ago, Randi Scott
Butteville School Closure Letter
almost 5 years ago, Randi Scott
Butteville families who signed up for meal pickups in Weed tomorrow 4/1/20 The stops will be Siskiyou Childcare 8:05, 97 Mini Mart 8:15 and Carrick Park at 8:25.
almost 5 years ago, Randi Scott
Butteville teachers will be contacting families next week to discuss details of distance learning. Please email teachers directly if your child needs to checkout a Chromebook. All staff will be observing the 6 feet of recommended social distancing.
almost 5 years ago, Randi Scott
Just a reminder please fill out parent school climate on Butteville website survey by Friday 3/27/20.
almost 5 years ago, Randi Scott