Butteville Zoom Link for special board meeting 12/01/20
Eric Bragg is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 756 7326 9589
Passcode: P2FxG1
Butteville Bus Service will resume Monday 11/30/20. If your child(ren) were scheduled riders prior to Thanksgiving week and you wish for them to start riding the bus again tomorrow, please have them to their designated stop in the morning.
BES Bulletin 11.18.20
**Butteville picture day reminder** Any students that are distance learning today, but would like to have their picture taken, please be at school between 11:30-2:30. Enter through the side door, closest to the bus loading zone. Someone will be screening. Also, this is optional and not required. There are no class pictures being offered and no makeup day scheduled at this time.
**Butteville Bus Reminder** Bus service has been suspended until further notice. If your child attends school on campus, you will need to drop them off and pick them up until further notice.
Butteville Parent Notice
Butteville Important Notice:
Dear Parents,
Our bus driver may have been exposed to COVID-19. For this reason, as a precaution, we will need to suspend bus service to and from school until further notice. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you cannot drive your child to school, your child may participate through virtual learning.
You may change to your liking. John was okay in saying the first sentence.
Be Safe,
Mr. Eric J. Bragg
(530) 938-2255
Butteville Union Elementary School-To learn, question and think...to perform, dream and succeed!
BES Bulletin 11.12.20
Updated guidelines from SCOE as of 11/04/20
Board Vacancy
BES Bulletin 11.04.20
BES Bulletin 10.28.20
BES Bulletin 10.22.20
Here is the corrected reopening plan that includes the K-3 schedule.
Good Morning Butteville Families,
Attached is the most recent board approved re-opening plan. Please be sure to note new time changes for K-3 students. If your child is in grades 4-8 you will be receiving notification from your teacher regarding which cohort your child has been placed in. Teachers will not be changing cohort placement. If you need to discuss your child's cohort schedule, please contact the office directly. Cohorts were sorted based on bus and school schedule. Thank you for understanding and patience this school year.
**BES Special Board Meeting tonight 10/20/20. Please note the start time is 5:00pm**
Topic: Special Butteville Board Meeting 10/20/2020
Time: Oct 20, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 720 1464 5092
Passcode: a8M6zj
BES Bulletin 10/15/20
Eric Bragg is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: October Butteville Board Meeting
Time: Oct 13, 2020 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 766 1658 2691
Passcode: eagles
**Parents please do not share this password**
**Corrected K-3 Reopening Plan** Please see the corrected version of the K-3 plan. Option #1 is 4 days a week, not 2 days. Sorry for any confusion.
Butteville K-3 Reopening Plan