Principal Welcome Back Letter
Hello Butteville Families. Just a reminder that school will Resume on Monday August 19th. The bus schedule has been updated and reflects new times and locations.
Just a reminder that Thursday 6/6/19 is the last day and the entire school will be released at 1:00. This means there is only one bus run. After school program will close at 4:00pm that day. Please make sure children are picked up on time. Have a great summer!
BES Bulletin 05.29.19
BES Bulletin 05.24.19
BES Bulletin 05.16.19
This week is full of events at Butteville! Please see the attached flyers for Open House dinner details. Also, check out the concessions that will be offered Thursday & Friday nights during the play.
BES Bulletin 05/08/19
Starting tomorrow morning 5/3/19 we will resume our regular bus schedules. Weed riders will be picked up and dropped of by Steve at their regularly scheduled bus times. Just a reminder that tomorrow is Friday, so 4th - 8th are released at 1:00 and K-3 at 2:00.
BES Bulletin 05.01.19
Starting this afternoon 4/30/19 there will only be ONE bus run until further notice. Our Weed bus is out of commission. All morning and afternoon weed riders will be picked up and dropped off at least 20 minutes later that the regularly scheduled time.
BES Bulletin 04.25.19
BES Bulletin 04.17.19
Reminder there is no school Friday 4/19, but there is school on 4/22 because we used our snow day this winter. Also breakfast & lunch for tomorrow has changed to cereal bars and uncrustables.
BES Bulletin 04.10.19
Just a reminder to 6th through 8th grade parents that there Butteville student council will be hosting a western dance this Friday from 6:00-9:00.
BES Bulletin 04.03.19
Reminder that today 4/5/19 there will be NO WEED BUS RUNS this afternoon. Please pick your children up at their 1:00 or 2:00 release times from school. Thank you.
Friday 4/5/19 there will be no Weed afternoon bus run. The morning will be the same for both runs and Lake Shastina will have all normal runs. If your child takes the Weed bus home, they will need to be picked up at school. Sorry for the short notice.